Christmas Party 2024
Saturday 7th December saw the end of year get together for the Manawatu Amateur Radio Soc Christmas Beano at the RNZ Navalmans Club in Palmerston. As well as the great nosh-up that was had, there was presentations made and it was all finished off with a quiz made up of 30 questions, 20 general knowledge and 10 Amateur Radio related. Teams of 4 to 5 answered the questions in lots of 10 questions and then passed their answer sheet to another team for marking. Adam ZL2FOX was once again the M.C.and provided some entertainment along the way. I must be a lucky charm because I have been on the winning team 3 out of the last 4 years. Thanks for the winning teams chocolates Adam, they went down a treat.
Allan ZL2SKY
HamCram 2023
The HamCram weekend and exam were held on the 9th and 10th of September. Congratulations to the 9 pictured candidates who all passed! We’ll update this post once their callsigns are confirmed. Welcome to the hobby, and we’ll catch you on the air.
Cyclone Gabrielle
Here are some of the images from the talk by Barrie ZL2BJA on 5th July 2023 on Cyclone Gabrielle which happened earlier in 2023. Many thanks to Allan ZL2SKY for the photo’s
Jock White Field Day 2023
Thanks for a fantastic weekend, despite the slightly moist start on Saturday, a very much enjoyable time.
Thanks to all the people that attended the weekend, helping with setup, pack up, operating, cooking, eating, security, socialising and support. It is definitely a team effort.
Every activity will always bring up what was good, and what could be better. While it’s still fresh in your mind, complete the below anonymous survey. Just a couple of questions about how you liked the weekend and ideas for the future. We already have a couple of idea’s brewing.
Also below are a small selection of photos from the last two days.
Monday Coffee Club at Mitre10 Palmerston North
From out latest Monday Coffee Club it’s starting to grow. Come down and join us on Monday’s from 10am

Christmas Party 2022
Below photo’s from our Christmas Party in 2022 enjoy.
Activity Contest 2022
lightly later than normal but here is our activity contest for this year
This is a time to get together on the air, get the repeaters warm and to assist our new amateurs to get their 50 contacts.
This will start this time next week between Friday 21st October to Tuesday 25th October inclusive.
Rules are the same as previous years, operating for two 30 minute periods.
EchoLink will be running on 665 for remote people to join in.
Please leave good sized gaps.
This year we will be running on:
7125 – North Range Road Repeater (147.125MHz + split)
665 – Wharite Repeater (146.650MHz – split)
3570kHz LSB
Attached is the log spreadsheet and manual sheet.
Longburn Table Sale 2022
Sale is now over and we had a great turn out after 2 yrs. See photo’s below from the day. Thanks to Allan ZL2SKY for the photo’s.
Congratulations to all who passed the HamCram exam at the Branch 20 Manawatu clubrooms on the weekend of September 24th and 25th 2022
HamCram 2022
Today call-signs have been allocated:
Cooper ZL2ADK
Thomas ZL2RED
Matthew ZL2KDR
Alice ZL2AJW
Paul ZL4PK
Graham ZL2YG
Richard ZL2DRS
Benjamin ZL3NED/ZL2KX
Additionally, three who participated in the evening training sessions before the weekend and passed exams elsewhere.
Samit ZL1SRD
Jason ZL1JRW
I’m sure everyone will welcome you on to the air. Welcome to the hobby.
Below are images from the start of HamCram 2022.
Fox Hunt June 2022
On June 26th 2022 we had our second successful fox hunt on the railway land below are some pictures of the afternoon event. If you like to come along we every 4th Sunday down at the Railway Land opposite Tony’s Tyres servivce come along and join in the fun.
Mini Junk Sale 2022
It was a successful sale once again and thank you all who came it was great to see you all. Below are some pictures from the day.
Jock White Field Day 26-27th February 2022
It was a great weekend at the Jock White 2022 field day below are some pictures form the weekend